Strange twin children, look exactly like spiders, even doctors are surprised to see three legs and four arms, a very rare case

Strange twin children, look exactly like spiders, even doctors are surprised to see three legs and four arms, a very rare case

Birth of twins is a common thing today. But a twin baby has been born in Indonesia, who looks like a spider. He has three legs and four arms. Both the children are so attached to each other from the stomach that they cannot even sit. Forced to lie straight. Because of this, they look like spiders from a distance. This has been mentioned in the report published last week in the American Medical Journal. According to doctors, this happens only once in 20 lakh pregnancies.

According to the Daily Mail report, the children were born in 2018. Now the team of doctors has performed surgery and removed his third leg. A lengthy operation has been done to repair the hip and pelvic bones. According to doctors, usually one twin is born in every 50 thousand to 2 lakh pregnancies. This happens when the fertilized egg splits and develops into two parts. Such a situation occurs about eight to 12 days after conception. However, it has also been said in some research that twins are born due to the development of two separate embryos.

ischiopagus triceps
These twins, born in Indonesia, were called ischiopagus triceps, which means they are joined at the pelvis. All four of his arms were working. Both legs were also active. There was also a leg which was not active. The kidney of one of them was underdeveloped. The most important thing is that he already has two brothers and sisters. No one in the family has any genetic disorder. The mother also did not experience any problem during pregnancy.

This is a unique case in the whole world
Researchers say that this is a unique case in the whole world. It is not clear how much time was taken for the surgery of these children, but even after three months there is no problem in them. Now they can sit. Can stand. In 1989, similar twins were born in China also. He had two hands and two legs. Doctors separated the two by performing surgery in 1992. He was only two years old then. The operation took about 10 hours. A similar case came to light in Pakistan in 2011. One of these children was very small and weak. His head was also small.

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